Can Quikrete Be Mixed In The Hole?
Quikrete is a manufacturer of packaged dry concrete that’s ready to use. Another popular brand of bagged concrete is called Sakrete. They each come in a variety of sizes which include, 40 lb (18.1 kg). 50 lb (22.6 kg). 60 lb (27.2 kg). 80 lb (36.2 kg). They also come in various mixes which include high strength, countertop, fast setting and the standard 3500 psi. Most Quikrete can be mixed in the hole right out of the bag which makes setting posts much easier. My favorite is Quikrete Fast-Setting Mix.
Whether you’re setting a fence post or anchoring a basketball hoop, Quikrete Fast-Setting Concrete is a fantastic product. With Quikrete Fast-Setting Concrete you can pour the mix right into the hole without any tools. Simply pour the dry mix right from the bag into the hole and add water.
Fast-Setting Concrete sets in about 20 minutes which means you can get a project done fast. I use it for all my fence projects and am always setting fence panels the same day. With traditional concrete, it takes so long for the mixture to set up I usually can’t set the posts until the next day. Quikrete that can be mixed in the hole without any tools is a huge time saver. Especially when combined with how fast the concrete sets up.
How To Mix Concrete In The Hole
Mixing Concrete in the hole is a lot easier than mixing it in a tray or wheelbarrow and then pouring it in.
The concrete mix can be poured dry right out of the bag directly into the hole. Then water is added on top which activates the cement and hardens the mixture. Concrete that’s mixed in the hole is just as strong as concrete mixed outside the hole. However you need to use the right concrete mix.
When you mix concrete in the hole I recommend Quikrete fast-Setting Mix or an equivalent from another brand. it sets up hard, fast and strong and doesn’t require mixing before you pour.
Here’s a quick and easy to follow step by step guide on how to mix concrete right in the hole.
Step 1
Dig your hole to the required depth and diameter.
If you’re digging a post hole, its diameter should be about 3 times the width of the post. For example, the hole for a 4” wood post should be about 12 inches wide.
The depth of the hole should be 1/3 – 1/2 the post height above ground. For example, a 6-foot tall fence would require a hole at least 2 feet deep.
Make sure the hole has a flat bottom. If it has a pointed bottom the weight of the post and concrete can cause the footing to sink.
Step 2
I like to spread a few inches of gravel at the bottom of the hole before I pour concrete. It helps with drainage and prevents the footing from settling.
Once the gravel is poured tamp it down tightly. What you want is a few inches of compacted gravel, not loose. Some types of gravel can compact to 1/2 the size as when it’s loose. So 4 inches of loose gravel can easily become 2 inches of compacted.
Step 3
Set the post into the hole.
Step 4
Use some braces to keep the post upright. Make sure the post is level and plumb as you set the braces.
Step 5
Fill the hole with Quikrete Fast-Setting Concrete mix. Pour the mix dry right out of the bag and into the hole.
Leave the concrete about 3 to 4 inches below ground level. Don’t pour concrete to grade level because you’ll be able to see it once it sets.
Step 6
Pour about a gallon of water per 50 lb bag of Quikrete into the hole. Pour slowly and allow the water enough time to saturate the concrete mix.
NOTE: Because the mix is fast-setting it will set hard in about 20 to 40 minutes. Moisture and weather conditions effect how fast the concrete will set.
Step 7
Wait about 4 hours before you start attaching fence panels or applying weight to the posts. The concrete sets fast but still takes time to cure and strengthen.
Pro Tip: When working with cement-based products, always wear safety gear like eye protection and waterproof gloves.
Can You Pour Concrete In A Hole Filled With Water?
Another way to mix concrete in a hole is to pour dry concrete in a hole filled with water. However, you need to make sure there isn’t too much water for the amount of concrete you’re using.
One of the worst things you can do when mixing concrete is using too much water. Water activates the cement which creates a chemical reaction that creates strong bonds between the cement, stone and sand. If there’s too much water, these bonds will be weak which means weak and brittle concrete.
Every 50 pound bag of Quikrete requires about a gallon of water. Keep this in mind when adding concrete to a hole filled with water. if there’s about 2 gallons worth of water, you’ll need 2 50 lb bags of concrete.
Concrete is about 2½ times heavier than water so it will naturally displace the water as its poured into the hole. However, when poured inside a hole there’s no place for the water to go but up and out of the hole. Pour the concrete mix in slowly so that instead of displacing the water it absorbs into the concrete.
I like to pour concrete in about a bag at a time. Take a shovel and slosh the concrete around in the water. Then pour in another bag slowly. Keep repeating until you’ve absorbed all the water.
If after all the water is absorbed you need more water, add it at the end. Remember, about a gallon of water is needed per 50 lb bag of Quikrete Fast-Setting Concrete Mix.
Do You Add Concrete To Water Or Water To Concrete?
Ideally you add water to concrete not concrete to water. However, if you have a hole filled with some water it’s OK to pour dry concrete in. Just make sure there isn’t too much water for the amount of concrete you’ll be adding. This will result in over watered concrete which is weak and brittle.
Remember, each 50 lb bag of Quikrete Fast-Setting Concrete requires about 1 gallon of water. If there’s too much water in the hole for the amount of concrete you’ll be using, you need to remove some water before you start pouring concrete.
When adding water to concrete, start by making a small well in the middle of the concrete. Add enough water to make the mix wet but not so wet that it becomes soupy. The correct consistency is like oatmeal.
If you’ve used too much water add more dry mix until you achieve the correct consistency.
Why Do You Put Dry Concrete In A Post Hole?
There are a few advantages to pouring dry concrete into a post whole vs wet concrete.
The first is the labor and time savings. Mixing concrete in a tray or wheel barrow is hard work. And even if you use a mixer it’s still work getting it from the mixer to the hole. It’s much easier and a lot faster to simply pour dry concrete right out of the bag and into the hole. Then add about a gallon of water per 50 lb bag of Quirete Fast-Setting Mix.
Because Fast-Setting mix hardens and strengthens so quickly, I can usually stay setting panels in about 4 hours.
Another benefit of dry-poured concrete vs a wet mix is that there are no gaps between the post or the soil. This helps prevent erosion that can cause the post to lean.
When setting a post, maximum PSI isn’t as important as creating a tightly packed hole to keep the post level and secure.
Can Fence Posts Be Set In Dry Concrete?
You can set a fence post in dry concrete if you use the right concrete mix. I recommend Quikrete fast-Setting Mix.
Once the hole is dug, pour in a few inches of gravel and compact it down. Then insert your post and secure it with some braces.
After the post is level and plumb, pour dry concrete right out of the bag and into the hole.
Installing a fence post in dry concrete is very simple. Pour about 5-6 inches of the dry concrete into the hole around the fence post and tamp it down hard. Tamping ensures there are less voids which can weaken the footing.
Repeat the process until the hole has been filled to about 2-3 inches from the top.
Even without water the concrete will harden. It will absorb ground and rain water as well as moisture in the air. However, I recommend pouring some water on top of the concrete when you’re done to hasten the process. Add about a gallon of water per 50 lb bag of Fast-Setting Concrete.
How Long Does It Take Concrete To Dry In A Post Hole?
Standard 3500 PSI concrete mixes take around 2-4 hours to set and should cure for 24 to 48 hours before any force is applied to the posts.
Usually you can apply some small weight to the posts after 4 hours, but it’s best to wait at least 24 hours before you start building the fence.
Quikrete Fast-Setting Concrete mix sets up in just 20 minutes and cures hard enough to start working in 4-8 hours. If you’re building a fence I highly recommend using a fast-setting mixture. I can usually start building my fences the same day I pour concrete.
You can also add chemical additives to standard concrete mixes to speed up set and cure times. With the right additives you can turn a standard mix into a fast-setting mix which allows to to start building the fence in just a few hours.
If you pour dry concrete directly into the hole without mixing, you can usually start building the fence much faster. Dry concrete packs tighter when properly compacted and doesn’t slosh around like wet concrete does.
What Happens When You Don’t Add Enough Water To Concrete?
Concrete is a mixture of cement, sand and stone. Cement being the active ingredient in the mix.
When cement is mixed with water, it activates. A chemical reaction occurs which forms strong bonds that bind the concrete together. This process is called hydration.
Just enough water is needed to activate all the cement in the mixture. Use too much and the concrete will be weak. Too little and the concrete will be brittle.
When you don;t add enough water to concrete all the cement won’t be activated. This means parts of the concrete will still contain some powder. Without water, dry cement won’t activate to form concrete. The result is weaker and brittle concrete that’s easy to break apart.
Brittle concrete has a lower PSI. Without the proper amount of water to concrete ratio, the mix won’t achieve its full strength.
For things like a house footing, not adding enough water to the concrete can be dangerous. The result can be weaker concrete that may crack under heavy loads.
However, if you’re using the concrete to set a fence post the result won’t be that bad.
Many fence builders actually use Quikrete mixed in the hole and don’t even add water. Concrete is used to stabilize the post and keep it level, not for its compressive strength.
Summary: Can Quikrete Be Mixed In The Hole?
Quikrete is a manufacturer of packaged dry concrete that’s ready to use. Another popular brand of bagged concrete is called Sakrete. They each come in a variety of sizes which include, 40 lb (18.1 kg). 50 lb (22.6 kg). 60 lb (27.2 kg). 80 lb (36.2 kg). They also come in various mixes which include high strength, countertop, fast setting and the standard 3500 psi. Most Quikrete can be mixed in the hole right out of the bag which makes setting posts much easier. My favorite is Quikrete Fast-Setting Mix.
Whether you’re setting a fence post or anchoring a basketball hoop, Quikrete Fast-Setting Concrete is a fantastic product. With Quikrete Fast-Setting Concrete you can pour the mix right into the hole without any tools. Simply pour the dry mix right from the bag into the hole and add water.
Fast-Setting Concrete sets in about 20 minutes which means you can get a project done fast. I use it for all my fence projects and am always setting fence panels the same day. With traditional concrete, it takes so long for the mixture to set up I usually can’t set the posts until the next day. Quikrete that can be mixed in the hole without any tools is a huge time saver. Especially when combined with how fast the concrete sets up.
If you have any questions about Quikrete, email any time.