Modern Bathroom Design Ideas
If your one of the people like me that loves modern design and wants a more contemporary home, then at some point you’ll be designing a bathroom or two. This article is for you. We’ve packed it full of our best modern bathroom design ideas, pictures and builder tips. We build modern homes and bathrooms for a living and can tell you first hand just how beautiful a well refined modern bathroom design can be.
Modern bathroom design is based on a simple, clean, minimalist look and feel. Think simple geometric shapes and patterns, clean lines, minimal colors, and natural materials. Your bathroom can easily be transformed into a sophisticated example of great modern design. Many think modern bathroom design is cold, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Great modern bathroom designs include refined use of colors, a variety of textures, and warm real wood and stone elements. That large soaking tub paired with plenty of natural light and an airy feel are essential to creating the ultimate spot for relaxation. And modern design often includes the latest in new bathroom technologies and building techniques. With a contemporary design, clients often want their bathrooms to be more than just a bathroom. They’re functional works of art with a personality all their own.
Simple, clean lines mixed with clean modern finishes and a focus on high quality materials are hallmarks of great modern bath design. Because of this, modern bathroom design ideas can be used in a variety of home styles with fantastic results. Your bathroom can easily become a hideaway for relaxation and comfort.
Beautiful cream and marble master bathroom with dark wood cabinetry. Soaking tub with built in shelving.
Modern Master Bathroom Design With Clean Lines
Since bathrooms are functional rooms we use everyday, designing them to suit our personal style while still providing that function is important. It’s a delicate balance. Sometime the best working materials aren’t always the ones that fit the look we want. And when it comes to modern styles there aren’t as many options as when you go more traditional. Generally modern bathroom finishes are special order and not in stock items. That that we but much of what’s in stock anyway but at least it’s an option.
From light and bright to sophisticated and elegant, modern bathroom design ideas can transform you average bathroom space into a beautiful spot to escape and relax.
This modern master bath features light cream colored stone floors, white walls, gray stone countertops and white sinks with wood cabinetry. The cabinet finish is super clean with flush faces and simple brushed metal hardware. Stone walls surround the large white soaking tub.
Fantastic modern bathroom design featuring a soaking tub, cream tiles and gray wood cabinetry. This is one of my favorite color schemes for a modern bathroom
Modern Soaking Tub With Cream Tiles
Choosing the perfect tub to go in your new master bathroom design is very important. A large freestanding soaking tub is a great feature and instantly becomes a center piece in the room. You really need to nail the tub choice. Luckily there are lots of modern tubs on the market that look great but it’s still not easy to pick just the right one. White is the standard so if you like it then at least you’ve got the color picked out. Now all you need is the right shape. This one beautiful and fits the room design perfectly however a simple rectangle tub wouldn’t look any worse.
What I really love about this master bathroom is the color scheme. The white tub is surrounded by cream and light gray wood. The hardware is a flat brushed nickel. Nothing is over the top or too flashy. No chrome or anything with a high sheen. The bathroom design is well refined with a fantastic color palette.
This bathroom has everything I love about modern design. Simple muted natural colors with simple geometric shapes. A very nice minimalist style.
Modern master bathroom shower with bench seat. 2 Tone color scheme. Chrome faucets and glass door hardware. Dark coffee bean flat panel doors.
Modern Master Bathroom Shower
As important as it is to choose the right tub it’s equally important to design and built a great shower. Designing a modern shower is different than a tub because you can’t just go out and buy it. You have to pick each finish separately along with designing the space. The wall tiles, floor, ceiling, inlays, trim, faucets and fixtures are all up to you. Will you have a seat or built in shelving. A single or double shower head, wand, or rain feature. There are so many options to choose from inside the shower and then you still have to design the glass door and the rest of the bathroom. Modern master bathroom design isn’t as easy at it may seam.
To narrow it down look at lots of reference as a guide. It helps a lot to start a look book. Find 10 modern showers you like the most and the design your own based on what you like in your examples. In the building business the example you pull together are called a look book. It’s an invaluable tool for designing just about any room in the house.
This beautiful modern shower features cream colored side walls and floor with a darker brown rear wall. Cream stone seat. Single shower head with wand. Glass door. Chrome metallic finishes throughout.
Large modern soaking tub with cream colored floor and wall tiles. Dark coffee bean stained wood cabinetry and matching doors.
Contemporary Master Bath Cream And Tan
Here’s another view of that beautiful master bathroom from above. It features a cream and tan color scheme with very dark brown cabinetry and matching doors. The stain color is called coffee bean. It’s just about as dark brown as you can without being black. The doors are all minimalist styles with a totally flush face. Very simple brushed metal hardware.
Light cream stone colored countertops with a matching stone backsplash. White bowl sinks match the beautiful freestanding soaking tub.
Tan wall tiles cover the outside wall surrounding a large black framed window. Large tan floor tiles with white grout complete this wonderful master bathroom design.
Beautiful master bathroom design featuring marble floors, countertops and backsplash with medium stained cabinetry and white soaking tub.
Modern Bathroom Design Ideas With Marble
This beautiful master bathroom with a modern style features gray marble floor and shower tiles with matching countertops and backsplash. Medium dark brown stained wood cabinetry with no hardware. Flat faced drawers without handles is a very contemporary look. White freestanding soaking tub with brushed metal faucet. Dark wood window frames and a trimless finish.
This modern bathroom has a minimalist style. Simplicity is one of the tenets of modern home design and I think these designers nailed it.
Spectacular ultra modern master bathroom design with concrete floors and walls. Gray and white color scheme. White tub and toilet.
Ultra Modern Gray And White Master Bathroom
This ultra modern gray and white master bathroom features polished concrete floors with cement wall panels. Matching gray wood cabinetry and gray stone countertops. Modern black frame windows. Notice the door design. It’s hard to see but there’s two vertical rectangular recessed panels running the entire length of the bright white door. Matching white door trim and crown molding. The crown has been dropped about an inch to incorporate LED strip lighting.
Large white soaking tub with chrome faucets. Glass shower walls.
The showers each have a thin trench drain running along the back of the shower wall. It’s a very nice design that both collect water really well and looks great. What a spectacular example of ultra modern master bathroom design done right.
Ultra modern master bathroom with a clean, industrial style. Cement walls and flooring with hidden LED strip lighting.
Ultra Modern Bathroom Design Ideas With Cement Walls
Another view of that beautiful ultra modern master bathroom design featuring cement wall panels and matching gray wood cabinetry. Bright white oval soaking tub with chrome faucet. Modern black frame windows with trimless design. Recessed mirrors with strip lighting. Dropped crown molding with hidden LED strip lighting. Polished cement floors.
If you love a clean, industrial ultra modern look then this may be the perfect bathroom design for you.
Transitional modern bathroom design with cream colored floors and walls with dark wood cabinetry. Simple reserved finishes. Louvered wood door and window shades.
Transitional Modern Bathroom Design Ideas
This beautiful transitional modern bathroom design features a warm cream color scheme with white tub and sink, dark wood cabinetry and matching louvers for the windows and doors. What a fantastic design. If your someone who wants a modern bathroom but just not too modern then this may be the style for you. Transitional modern uses more traditional elements so they fit in a much wider variety of homes.
Notice how the floor and tub backsplash surround walls are all solid stone slabs. That’s not something you see in most bathrooms but it’s a great look. Solid slabs are a trend we’re seeing more and more of in high end luxury kitchens and bathrooms and we’re happy to see it. It’s a wonderful look.
The window and door louvers are a nice touch too. Especially because they perfectly matched the cabinetry stain. It really draws the room style together. I like when a bathroom is well thought out and feels harmonious. Even small bits of color found in the tub backsplash draw from the creams and browns used throughout the room.
Small details matter in an ultra modern bathroom design. Simple minimalist choices tend to work best. Clean tub shelf with marble and silver metallic backsplash tiles.
Ultra Modern Bathroom Finishing Details
Simplicity is a general design rule of thumb for modern bathrooms, so make sure that you’re considering that with even the small details like this metallic shelf backsplash. Using built-in shelving along your soaking tub or inside a custom shower is a great way add storage in a clean, refined way. Built in shelving is a great place to put bath items and decorations like candles or a small plant. Avoid the temptation to add too much clutter and make sure to keep the shelf clean. These often get filled with too much stuff and soap crud. Choose backsplash tile with geometric shapes to add interest and character without sacrificing your minimalist design.
A shelf is a great place to hide some small LED strip lighting too. And in a modern bathroom design different options become available like these metallic silver tiles. They generally wouldn’t work in a traditional bathroom.
Modern creamy white soaking tub with built in shelf. Metallic backsplash tile matches the chrome faucet stack. The room has a warm undertone throughout.
Modern Master Bathroom Soaking Tub With Built In Shelf
Here’s another view of that built in tub shelf with metallic silver backsplash and recessed strip lighting. The tub is a contemporary rectangle design in creamy white. Wall tiles and shelf are all marble with warm gray veining. Real wood cabinetry with a dark brown stain lends even more warmth to the bathroom. So many people believe modern design tends to be cold, and sometimes it does, but it also gets very warm when designers incorporate natural wood elements and warm undertones.
As you can see the metallic backsplash tiles matches perfectly with the chrome tub faucet and other metallic finishes throughout the room.
Some artwork hangs above the tub that also provides a nice warm feel and so does the simple green shelf plant. Even the soaps and other shelf decoration are both usable but well chosen to fit within the color scheme.
Beautiful modern master bathroom with warm undertones. Real wood with marble. White soaking tub.
Modern Bathroom Design Ideas With Warm Undertones
Here’s another wide picture of that same modern bathroom. I wanted to include 3 angles taken from varying distances so you can see the impact each decision has on the overall look of the bathroom. That beautiful built in shelf with silver metallic backsplash tiles matches nicely with the chrome finishes throughout the room. That warm, wood linen cabinet has a rich brown stain that’s also been used on the sink cabinetry and doors. The marble wall and shelf tiles match the floor tiles perfectly and work well with the marble countertop.
Modern design is about simplicity. There are only three or four design choices made in this bathroom and they’re used throughout. Designing this way ensures you’ll end up with a cohesive design. And as long as those 3 or 4 choices are good ones, a beautiful modern master bathroom.
Cool modern freestanding round soaking tub in this contemporary styled master bathroom.
Cool Modern Freestanding Round Soaking Tub
Freestanding tubs are a staple of most modern bathroom designs. Location is key. Try too keep the bathroom layout symmetrical by strategically placing your tub in a spot that enhances the feng shui of your bathroom. Traditionally, bathtubs are the familiar oval shape, however one of the best things about a modern bathroom design is that you can use shapes that are not traditional. For instance just look at this fantastic round soaking tub. You wouldn’t find this anywhere but a modern bathroom.
While it’s not the right tub for stretching out in it’s perfect if design is a little more important to you than function. Think of it as more of a dunk tank than a soaking tub.
Modern bathroom with warm muted gray color scheme. White soaking tub and double sinks with gold faucets and sink stands.
Modern Bathroom With Muted Warm Gray Colors
Adding a touch of gold in your bathroom work great with warm undertones. However the gold should be on the warm side too. Gold finishes come in a variety of colors,some are warm and some are cold. Organic materials and colors coincides with modern design, meaning that the natural materials like gold, wood, tile, brick, concrete and real stone are very popular modern finishes.
This bathroom is a wider view of that white round soaking tub shown above. When you take a step back and see the entire bathroom you can see how nicely that round tub sits inside the space. It’s in perfect proportion to the modern black frame window. Because of how tight the room is it would be a struggle to include a more standard rectangular tub. I like including multiple pictures of the same modern bathroom so you can see how each elements impacts the entire room and how it looks close up which is more of a users view.
Modern gray tile herringbone accent bathroom accent wall. Muted warm gray color scheme. White round soaking tub.
Modern Herringbone Tile Accent Wall
This beautiful modern master bathroom also includes a warm gray tile accent wall with herringbone pattern. White double sinks and a black shelf behind this fantastic round soaking tub. Chrome tub facet stack. Muted gray brown wood stained cabinetry. Gold sink faucets and legs. Notice how they even incorporated the herringbone design into the switch plate. That attention to detail is rarely found even among the highest end custom master baths.
Custom modern shower with herringbone tile accent wall. Warm gray with black seat and glass wall hardware. Gray tile walls, floor and ceiling.
Custom Shower With Herringbone Tile Accent Wall
The custom shower of this modern bathroom design features glass walls with black hardware. A warm gray tile wall with herringbone pattern. Matching rectangle floor and ceiling tiles with small square gray floor tiles. Glass and metal shelf. Black seating. The shower design includes elements found throughout the room. Even though a shower is it’s own space it’s still a part of the bathroom so carrying your design into the shower will create a more harmonious design.
This room is based on a warm gray color scheme which is carried throughout. Most bathroom designs pick a metal finish and stick with it however that’s not a steadfast rule. Here we see black, gold and chrome all used together with a great result.
Varying your finishes within an overall color scheme is something you may want to consider if you appreciate the look.
Modern bathroom with vertical wall sconces aside a tall thin mirror, marble and wood cabinetry with glass bowl sink.
Modern Bathroom Lighting
Choosing lighting is a crucial part of modern bathroom design. You’ll have a bunch of new lighting options once you decide on a modern style. Not only with smaller square recessed LEDs, but also strip lighting, hidden lights and cool wall sconces.
Modern design is all about clean lines and simple geometric shapes, so keep that in mind when shopping for light fixtures. And take the overall design and layout of the room into consideration when it comes to light placement too. Be creative. With a modern design you’ll have different options than with a traditional bathroom. With a modern bathroom design you can use things like hidden lights recessed behind trim work. That’s not something as common in a standard bathroom.
Don’t forget that the quality of light is just as important as the actual light fixture. Lots of windows are a great way to bring in natural light but that’s not much use at night. Check out the super cool lighting design in this modern bathroom. Vertical wall sconces sit aside this long thin center mirror being a glass bowl sink sitting atop a marble and wood cabinet. Drawers are super clean with flat face an no hardware.
Transitional modern shower room with double heads and two doors with glass window. All marble shower with seating and built in shelving.
Transitional Modern Double Shower
Modern style can mean different things to different people, but overall when we look at modern design the same elements keep coming up. Simple geometrical shapes, neutral colors, minimalist clean design, and natural materials. Modern styles use a lot of sharp right angles and less ornate details and trim work. We don’t see fancy scroll work or elaborate ornamentation.
I really like transitional modern designs which is what this bathroom is. It’s definitely a modern design but included quite a few traditional styles. This bathroom could fit within a wide variety of homes, not just modern.
The layout is unique and very nice. A center soaking tub site in front of a walk around shower with two glass doors, two shower heads with seating and built in shelving. A glass window was installed above the tub which mainly lets in and out light. The entire shower is marble except the back wall which features gray tile in a herringbone pattern. The bathroom floor is also tile with the same gray tile accent wall only this time with a subway pattern. The marble has warm gray veining that matches the tile color nicely. Tile looks cooler in the shower but that’s due to the glass.
This is a beautiful modern bathroom idea in terms of both style and layout.
beautiful modern transitional style bathroom. Gray and white with dark wood cabinetry. Square rectangular faucets and tub spout. Modern finishes.
Transitional Modern Bathroom Design Ideas
Here is another fantastic modern bathroom that would be considered transitional. It would fit into a much wider variety of homes than just modern. Gray and white color palette with dark brown wood cabinetry. Tons of porcelain tiles including the walls and floor which have both been laid in a subway pattern. Beautiful rectangular soaking tub with chrome floor mounted tub filler. The huge window lets in tons of natural light.
Notice how all the hardware and faucets are super clean, square right angles. Very simple and refined styles that match the minimalist shaker style cabinetry.
Also take a look at that tiled accent wall behind the tub. It’s made from hundreds of small gray and white square tiles.
Huge mirrors adorn each side of the room with stone countertops and white sinks. Fantastic finishing touches like a green plant, white flower in a simple white pot.
This is a wonderfully designed and built modern bathroom that could we could fit into just about any style home.
Modern Bathroom Design Ideas Solid Slabs
Check out this beautiful modern master bathroom with a transitional style featuring, among other things, solid slabs. Solid slabs are a growing trend among high end luxury kitchens and bathrooms. If you’ve ever seen on in person you’ll know just how impressive they are. These slabs are mad made which is why the veining matches. Honestly I like natural stone slabs better but these are really nice too.
Stone slabs are being used as backsplashes, floor and wall tile and even now as a bath or shower surround.
The rest of the room features modern wood cabinetry with super clean design and flat faced surfaces.
What a wonderfully designed modern bathroom. There’s so many beautiful finishes here we could write a how post on it but we included it here to highlight the slabs. They’re a fine inclusion to any modern bathroom design.
Modern bathroom design ideas with wallpaper. Gray textured walls with white sink and toilet. White trim.
Modern Bathroom Design With Wallpaper
Some may consider wallpaper to be an old fashioned or outdated way of finishing a wall but that’s not the case. Wallpaper with the right design can be used in a modern bathroom design. here we see a muted warm grayish color scheme with white sink and toilet. White trim and thick crown molding. Light hardwood floors.
Wallpaper is a great way to finish the walls of a small bathroom. Simple sheetrocked walls in this case would be boring and tile wouldn’t really work either. With a small room you need to keep the wall finish as simple as possible. This wallpaper design fits perfectly within the color scheme and is undoubtedly modern.
Modern bathroom design ideas featuring solid wood slab doors with dark stain.
Modern Bath With Wood Slab Doors
Solid wood slabs doors are something you don’t ordinarily see in a traditional home but we use them in modern bathrooms all the time. In fact we use wood slabs as wall panelings and backsplashes too. When you buy a solid slab the grain runs from top to bottom giving the door a look no other design can match. The box door trim is also a modern look that finishes the door edges in a super clean way.
If your designing a modern bathroom you should consider including some wood slabs somewhere in the room.
Closeup of a beautiful modern chrome bathroom faucet. Simple, clean, crisp design with square edges.
Modern Bathroom Faucets
Modern bathroom design uses lots of simple, clean and crisp geometrical shapes. Nothing too fancy or swirly. No elaborate scroll work or complex curvy designs. Minimalist is best. This chrome bathroom faucet is the perfect example. Very basic square edges. It doesn’t get more simple than this and that’s exactly why it works.
In some bathrooms this may be considered a little boring but in the context of a modern bathroom design it’s a fantastic choice.
Modern wood doors with a totally flat and smooth single panel. Natural wood with a light grayish brown stain.
Modern Flat Panel Doors
In a modern bathroom design you can use doors that wouldn’t really work in other style homes. For example notice the real wood flat panel doors seen above. They have a light grayish brown stone that works well with the rooms white and gray muted color palette. The door handle has a modern black finish and bar handle. In most cases flat panel doors are considered a cheap option and don’t look great.
Most home styles use some sort of panel design. However modern bathrooms use a very high end type of flat panel door that’s anything but cheap. They provide a minimalist, clean design.
Modern bathroom design with a cool gray and white industrial feel.
Modern Industrial Bathroom Design Ideas
If you like an industrial feel then this modern bathroom design may be for you. It features a cool gray and white color palette and not much else. Everything is super basic and very clean. It’s just about as minimalist a bathroom as I’ve seen even among modern homes.
Modern bathroom design with wood wall paneling. Light natural wood finish with just a sealant on the floors, walls and ceiling.
Modern Bathroom Designs Use Lots Of Real Wood
A staple of many modern bathroom designs is real wood and other natural materials. This bathroom has it all. The entire room from floor to ceiling is finished with real wood walls, ceiling and floor panels with stone slabs. You won’t find any drywall here. The rear of the bathroom has a large shower for two finished completely in marble. The center is a sauna with wood and marble. The bathroom area is all marble.
What a fantastic modern bathroom design. If you have the budget for a bathroom like this I’d go for it. It’s great to go right from the sauna into a nice cool shower.
Modern bathroom design with real wood cabinetry, marble countertops and a white soaking tub.
Modern Bath With Marble And Wood
This beautiful bathroom has all the hallmarks of modern design. Simple finishes, neutral colors, lots of natural materials, and a minimalist style.
The white soaking definitely make the room here which is why you find one in just about every modern bathroom. Not only are they an important part of a bathroom function they also look fantastic. Wood cabinetry is a nice touch that makes the bathroom less cold and sterile. Unlike what some people believe a modern bathroom can be quite warm and welcoming.
Beautiful modern master bathroom design featuring a clean minimalist design. Wood ceilings with stone tile walls and floor. Natural light and bright color scheme.
Modern Master Bath Design | Wood Ceilings
Bathrooms are spaces we use everyday and often take for granted. Their importance in the home is far greater than most people realize. Using natural “real” materials like wood and stone along with straight lines, square edges and clean metal finishes, modern bathrooms have gone far beyond being considered just a functional space. Modern details can transform a boring bathroom into a room you’ll look forward to relaxing in. Because that’s what that huge soaking tub and walk in shower are there for after all.
Choosing the right lighting is a crucial part of modern bathroom design. There are plenty of lighting choices available to you when building a standard home but with modern finishes your options will be limited. Modern bathroom design uses clean lines and sharp, square edges. Try and keep that in mind when shopping for light fixtures.
And don’t forget that the quality and amount of light is as important as the actual light fixtures. Skylights are a great idea for modern bathrooms if you have the right roof line. They add more natural light and some additional interest to your bathroom. Soaking in a Jacuzzi tub while looking up at the stars is a great feature in any master bath regardless of the design. Opt for a skylight that has powered shades and opens remotely so you can let in some fresh air once in a while.
Modern bathroom with faux wood floor tiles, dark wood cabinetry and marble.
Modern Bath Design | Simple and Minimalist
Simplicity is a general rule of thumb for just about all modern bathroom design. Try to keep your bathroom open and free of clutter. This is also considered good Feng Shui design. Use cabinetry and built in shelving to hide your personal bathroom items. Leave anything unessential out of the bathroom. Think relaxation. Avoid cluttering up the bathroom with anything you don’t need. Choose simple minimalist finishes.
A mix of textures is always a big plus. Here we have large marble shower tiles with built in shelving and glass accents. Faux wood porcelain bathroom floor tiles. Dark wood cabinetry with a white countertop and matching wood trim. Chrome finishes.
This is a beautiful example of modern bathroom design ideas implemented perfectly. I don’t think I would change a thing.
Simplicity is best in a modern bathroom design.
Simple Modern Bathroom Design Ideas
A modern bathroom should be all about simplicity. Simple colors, styles and designs. There’s nothing too fancy here, no elaborate inlays, trim or tile patterns. Just a very straight forward design with beautifully chosen colors, materials and finishes.
- Place a small white flower pot with a green plant to add some color and an organic feel
- Add color with art but don’t forget how important the right frame is
- Use natural materials
- Work in concrete into your design for an ultra modern look
- Neutral colors work best
- Stay away from clutter or busy patterns
Beautiful master bathroom with marble and real wood. center soaking tub and glass shower.
Contemporary Bathroom Style With Marble And Real Wood
Modern styles will vary a lot from room to room. Because it’s all about getting the general design concepts right. Don’t worry about copying every element in the room exactly as you see them because every bathroom is shaped a little differently. Try and apply the modern design elements you see to your bathroom as best you can. Simple geometrical shapes, basic neutral colors, clutter free, and the use of natural materials are all very important.
The beautiful master bathroom shown above has all the hallmarks of a modern bath design. The use of simple square and rectangle shapes is perfect. A clean white and gray color palette with tons of marble and real wood accents is totally modern. With a minimalist, clutter free design.
The countertop flowers definitely add some much needed color here. Plants help make the bathroom less sterile. This bathroom uses a lot of white, in fact most bathrooms do, so using plants and wood is a great way to warm the space up.
Modern bathroom design with large open floor plan and glass enclosed shower. White soaking tub.
Modern Master Bathroom Design Ideas With Freestanding Bathtubs
Another feature of a lot of modern style bathrooms is an open floor plan. It’s very Feng Shui. Transparent glass shower walls enhance the open feel. This is especially good in smaller bathrooms where space is limited.
This bathroom uses many of the tenets of great modern bathroom design. Simple geometrical shapes, a monochrome color scheme, and minimal decorative elements. A simple flower or two is more than enough.
Beautiful modern bathroom design with an ocean view. What kind of bathroom could be better than this. Marble and real wood with glass and stone.
Contemporary Bath Ideas With Vessel Sinks
Modern home design is generally considered to have started popping up in the early 20th century. However, it really picked up steam in the post World War II era. A small group of designers based primarily in the Nordic countries started a design movement focusing on clean, efficient, functionally aesthetic designs that combined form and function. Designs that sought to eliminate the frills present in other eras of design.
Here we see an evolution of modern design. Natural wood with real marble throughout. Straight clean lines with square edges. Gray and white color palette with splashes of black. Beautiful his and hers vessel sinks.
Living a modern lifestyle means your home will be anything but basic. These dual white vessel sinks with brushed nickel faucets reflect the best of minimalism. The sink’s construction is made from solid composite which resists stains, scratches and impact. The modern faucets, built from solid metal, feature an elegant slope which allows water to flow directly into the sink’s basin.
Vessel sinks are a great addition to a modern bath design.
Modern master bathroom design with a black and white color scheme.
Modern Bathroom Design | Black and White
In the 40s and 50s, mid-century modern design changed the way homes looked and felt. With their clean lines, muted palette, natural elements, and crisp, sharp edges. Suddenly, less was more, and bathroom design became about form serving function. A modern design philosophy that continues to inspire designers to this day.
If you’re designing a bathroom, there’s a great case to be made for choosing a modern design. It’s a beautiful style that’s stood the test of time. And modern bathroom designs are getting more and more popular as time goes on, especially at the higher end of real estate values. The contemporary aesthetic can be absolutely stunning when done right. Some have even compared the best modern homes to works of art. If you think of modern bathroom design as cold and sterile, think again. Modern designs can be warm and inviting, not to mention sleek and super sexy.
And what’s a sexier color than gloss black. Modern bathrooms don’t always have to rely on natural stone, wood and flat finishes. Sometimes high gloss is also modern, as with this stunningly modern bathroom space dominated by high gloss black and white porcelain tiles and satin fixtures. Dark wood cabinets with white countertop and gloss black his and hers sinks. Gloss black toilet with white free standing soaking tub. Dark gray towels are a personal choice that totally works with the rooms color palette.
The neon light and accent pieces bring that much needed personal touch.
Minimalist modern bathroom design with an open floor plan. Black, gray and white color scheme.
Contemporary Bathroom Design Ideas | A Minimalist & Open Floor Plan
Minimalism is a major feature of modern bathroom design. And this contemporary master bathroom is as minimal as it gets. A completely open floor plan featuring large porcelain floor tiles, an open shower, sink, vanity, mirror, toilet, tub and pretty much nothing else but exceptional ocean views. An absolute focus on function without any fluff. Taken so far as to even eliminate standard bathroom features as basic as trim.
Black and white color palette with hints of real wood. This bathroom design is quite stark but at the same time rather relaxing. A minimalist design eliminates everything but the absolute essentials which guarantees you’ll have zero distractions. All you get is what you need. The drawback of this type of style however, is that with such little to work with you have to get it all right. No room for error here. You can’t save a poor design by adding in some great trim work. A modern minimalist bathroom design has to be perfect, or the effect falls flat.
This distinctive pairing of a vessel sink and black vanity with glass top works beautifully with the modern design. The sink is made of thick, tempered glass, making it less vulnerable to damage from high temperatures. Anon-porous, polished glass surface is extremely attractive and sanitary. Naturally resistant to stains, odors, and discoloration. This model features blue tinted glass and a round shape. This setup includes a pop-up drain that springs into place with a gentle touch. Perfectly matching the chrome faucet finish.
Glass tile backsplash in this modern bathroom design. Glass is a common material used in contemporary design.
Modern Bathroom Design Ideas | Glass Tile Backsplash
This modern bathroom design features an interesting mix of styles which when seen together are absolutely modern. This design uses a variety of geometric shapes, from the rectangular mirror to the round glass bowl sink and rounded chrome sink faucet. These are all contrasted by the small, dark, multi colored square glass tiles.
The dark wood wall panels and matching vanity with stone counter top adds touches of organic materials that make all the difference here. This bathroom is cool.
This works beautifully as a small modern master bathroom design but would be much tougher to pull off in a larger master bath.
The Crystallized Glass Mosaic Tiles are frost resistant with a water absorption rate of less than 0.5% which will satisfy most bathroom surface demands. This beautiful tile has a dark multi colored design with a slightly metallic quality which coordinates well with a modern design. best when used for wall use, this impervious glass tile features a high sheen finish to help enhance your design.
Great lighting is also an important part of any bathroom design. The single recessed overhead LED really does the trick. The light perfectly illuminates the entire sink area while hitting those glass edges just right. From certain angles the glints and various color tones really shine through aided by the clean LED lighting.
Modern master bathroom with built in double sided gas fireplace next to a free standing tub.
Contemporary Bathroom Ideas | Built In Fireplace
Modern bathroom design ideas can work well in any bathroom with sizes ranging from small to gigantic. Because of the relatively simple, clean, angular aspects of modern bathrooms, the style is extremely flexible. You don’t have to have a modern home to have a modern bathroom. It’s all about the big design concepts. One element of modern bathroom design that can be a great complement to any master bath is the built in fireplace and soaking tub.
Pair the tub and fireplace with a large window and beautiful view for a truly relaxing bath. Make a bold style statement while doubling as a great functional space. Throw in an open floor plan with walk in glass shower for an elegant, airy feel.
Create a luxurious centerpiece for your bathroom with a fireplace by your freestanding tub. Made for deep soaking and relaxation, a soaking tub should provide lumbar support at both ends, so you can stretch out in full comfort. Crisp, clean lines accentuate a modern bathroom design. Make sure to install a gas fireplace unit that’s remote controlled so you can make adjustments to the fire as you relax.
Summary: Modern Bathroom Design Ideas
When it comes to making the right choices for your modern bathroom design, wood, stone, tile, glass and metal will all be in play. It’s how they’re used and paired together that defines just how modern your design can be. Combine textures and materials effectively, pairing natural wood with stainless steel, use concrete and real stone, or create a tile design from ceramic and porcelain. Use general principles of modern bathroom design ideas as a guide rather than a list of steadfast rules that you have to follow.
Color choices for modern bathroom designs are extensive, but with a particular emphasis on simple palettes with neutral colors. Many modern bathroom designs feature contrasting colors like white and black or grey paired with real wood or natural stones with fantastic results. Simple color schemes can sometimes lack interest, so add some color with wall art or better yet, a simple green plant in a white vase.
Furniture and accent pieces in modern bathroom designs generally follow an overall contemporary aesthetic. A real wood chair adds a soft, warm feel to a room that can sometimes feel cold. Square edges with straight, clean lines and the perfect lighting finish off the modern design.Good luck designing your new modern master bathroom. Send us some pics when your all done, we’d love to see what you’ve created.
I hope this list of essential woodworking tools for beginners was helpful. We use every tool on this list on all of our new homes and custom woodworking projects and are sure they’ll benefit you too.
If you have any questions or comments e-mail us any time. We’d love to hear from you.